Sunday, 6 September 2009

As goes journalism so does climate change?

The fate of the political, financial, social and climate worlwide problems depends a great deal of the public understanding of the issue and it is here where media and journalists play a main role.

Whether these issues appear or not in the worldwide scenario and, if so, how long they endure, is very much connected with the importance that media gives to them, with the number of pages they occupy in the papers, with the impact of their images on TV and above all, with the public discussion that journalism generates around them.

Climate change has become one of the most debated subjects, uttered throughout media and the most powerful politicians in the world, and until recent times it was not a major problem for the public.

People are showing more concern about climate change because an informed public can do more things to resolve a problem than a less informed one. But I am afraid that when the coverage of the global warming becomes more limited, the public perception of its importance will also be powerful are media in our society!!!

As media and journalism go, so goes the climate change??

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